I know I harp on about the issues that many people have with the Broads Authority but I came across the following in some planning documents for a July 2024 planning application. It's good that the committee members ask questions, but this seemed over the top to me!
Wayford Nursery,
Wayford Road, Wayford Bridge
Site description:
Replace 8 poly-tunnels with glasshouse & covered area.
In answer to a question as to whether solar panels would be a requirement, the PO confirmed that the building was constructed of glass and not suitable for solar panels.
A Member asked
whether the existing fencing between the carpark and the polytunnels
would be removed or
replaced. The PO confirmed that there would be a new green mesh
fence installed on
the boundary of the site.
A Member expressed
concern that the development would increase the number of visitors to
the site. The PO
said that the floor area of the business was not increasing, and
therefore, it
was not anticipated
that there would be more visitors than the current number. He added
that the Highway
Authority was consulted on this and it was not concerned and had made
no objections. The PO
highlighted a slide of the presentation that showed the access to the
site, which afforded good
visibility of the road in both directions.
A Member commented
that the application stated there would be no hazardous substances
on site, and asked
whether it could be assumed that there would not be any pesticide use
the site. The PO
said that he was unsure where pesticides fell within the Hazardous
requirements, however, any permits for Hazardous Substances would be
separate to the planning
In response to a question regarding any potential increase in water consumption and possible effect on the water tables in the area, the PO said that the site currently used irrigation in the existing polytunnels, and it was therefore expected that there would be no change in water use on site. He added that as part of the application, two rainwater harvesting tanks, with a total capacity of 190 cubic metres, would be installed, which meant that there would be greater efficiency in terms of water saving.
A Member asked
whether there were any details in relation to the biodiversity
requirements. The PO
said that it would not be possible to look at the biodiversity
enhancements until
the buildings had been erected, however, this matter would be
up by officers once
the building work had been completed.
A Member commented
that bird boxes would normally be installed for biodiversity
however, with the requirement to look at putting measures in place to
bird strikes, this
might not be possible. The PO said that the Authority’s Ecologists
advised a condition
should be added which would be looking for a scheme that was
appropriate to the
In response to
concerns about light pollution and the impact on dark skies, the PO
said that as part of the
conditions of any planning permission, they would look at the type of
required, the hours
of use, and how they could control light spill. He added that until
the light scheme was agreed,
the applicant would not be able to install any lighting.